Sunday, March 15, 2009


What a weekend! Friday night I had to work 9 to close, it was pretty dead, but Kelsey and I had a good time, and we still made pretty good bank. Saturday, I woke up early I think 8:30, that's early for me on a weekend, and snuggled with Darrick til 9:30, then I got around and started getting ready for work 12-7. It was a pretty good time. I got all of the cleaning done first thing when I got there, and we had LOTS of bikes in, so again, I made bank. Saturday night, I thought we were gonna go out or something, but we ended up going to Steak and Shake for supper and then we were home and in bed at 10:30! haha oh well, we still had a great time. Sunday was spent cleaning and doing laundry. I went down to my moms for a little bit and helped her vaccum. That was just great. I also got to visit Diva and Molly! Stacey came there too with the kids and hung out for a while, then I went to meet Darrick at 4:30 for softball practice. After that we came home, cleaned up and went to the Hilton for supper. It was a good weekend, I didnt cook all weekend and had a great time! I don't have any uppercase living parties next week, so that is something I am looking forward too. It seems like some weeks I am very overwhelmed because of all the work I have to do once I get home, I just can't relax. Dont get me wrong though, cause I love the UL! Anyway.....we had a busy weekend, and I hope the weather this week will be nice, I want to be able to get outside and just play with the kids this week.

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